For whatever reason, there are times that you want to throw out a bluff. Maybe because you want to “burn” your buddy, maybe you’re bored, or just because you want to do it for the wrong reasons, but the proper time to semi-bluff is when your buddy is in the hot seat.
Like, if you’re on the button and everyone before you folds, you should probably pop a (semi) bluff because your action is predictable. If you’re then in the blind, and everyone folds, the only thing left to do is to “burn” the button, or to put in a big raise. Before you drop a hefty raise, make sure you’re in position. If you’re not in position, say “check” or “fold.” Then, if he calls your raise, you take a slight edge and possibly win the pot.
A semi-bluff, when done correctly, will reward you with a big pot.
Here’s a basic rule that you’ll want to stick by: odds = luck x probability. Odds are the chance of any given card coming out on the flop, turn, or river. Try to calculate your “outs,” which are cards that can come off the deck later in the hand. To a novice, an out is just a card that could make your hand. But to a calculating player, it’s billions of dollars’ worth of potential hands.
I want to add a word here, because I see players do not understand what “pot odds” are. Pot odds are the ratio of the size of the pot to the actual hand you’re holding. When you’re playing against blind rage, you’re not playing against the actual odds, you’re playing against the concept of pot odds.
To confuse things even more, you can refer to a “Pokerrepublik” video to explain further. Actually, a table twist is when you do things to influence the other players at the table, either by your body language or your actions. Table actions include such things as asking questions about the strength of your hand, glaring at opponents, raising or lowering your shoulders, or shrugging if you have no hand winnings at all. Your body language can also include such things as Sitting very uncomfortable, constantly scratching the table, glaring, or twitchy fingers.
Your poker body language can, in fact, increase your success at the table. When you have a good hand, you should keep your opponents guessing, or to some extent, even when you don’t know what you have. There are behaviors that show pre-flop confidence, like smiling when you have a winning hand, or avoiding eye contact when you have a weak hand. You might not want to do these things, but if you want to win at Texas Hold’em, then you should remember that your opponents are doing the same things you are, just in reverse.
Your opponents are trying to out smart you, so you should steal the Really Important Things and the essential Tools of the Trade.
The Hands You Should Play
If you are playing pre-flop Texas Hold’em, you should play hands that have the best chance of winning pre-flop, or once you identify the opportunity. You don’t want to play a hand just because it’s around the corner. Instead, you want to play available hands that give you a good chance of winning.
These hands aren’t the only thing you should be focused on, though. You also want to be playing from position. This is the most important thing because it’s the only thing that ties your fate to your cards, without the other cards of the table. Regardless of any other factors, your position at the table is what ultimately wins the game for you.
I want to be clear, though, that this isn’t a game where you should go nuts and play whatever you get. Position is important, but when you play quality hands this is the most important thing regarding your game.
Once you have successfully identified your hand, you need to be executing it in the best way possible. This means doing your best to disguise your hand, and playing it in the most effectual way possible. Many professional poker players have said that the first couple of times they actually saw the cards, they already knew what they were holding.
So, the two things are very important. The position you are at on the table in relation to the dealer is very important, and the way your cards are compatible with the cards you are holding is also very important. Remember, the cards you can see are brand new, whereas the cards you aren’t used to looking at aren’t.